Friday 9 December 2011

Proposal Form

Studying the phobia of flying.
Important questions that need an answer (three or more)
·         Why do people have the phobia?
·         How can the phobia be cured?
·         What is the phobia?
·         Who are the most common people to have this fear?
·         Where is this phobia the most common?
Three talking heads (who I will interview formally)
  • Zac ( participator, has the phobia, will be trying to conquer the phobia)
  • Air hostess
  • General practitioner
  • Nurse
Voice-over narration (what I will say about the topic through a narrator)
  • Statistics
  • Facts
  • Theory’s
  • What we are actually going to do.
On-location footage (what I will show while narrating)
·         What is going on in airport- time laps
·         Zac in the airport
·         Interviews
The Twist(something cool to impress audience)

How I plan to “get it done”.

·        Filming of airport. ( different sections)
·        Interviews (Zac, pilot, Air hostess, GP, Nurse, Herbal therapist, masseuse,   someone else with the same phobia.)
·        Get Zac in a plane
·        Alternate ending ( Plane going up )

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